Develop Your Skills

  • Study Skills
  • Writing and Language
  • Research and Thesis

Advice and Support

  • First-year Students

TTU website is a fantastic resource for all first-year students and is a great place for you to get your bearings.

It includes information about:

  1. The differences between high school and university
  2. What to expect and how to cope
  3. Effective study strategies
  4. Strategies for success
  5. Where to find information
  • Undergraduate Students

The SLDD team can help you build on your success from your first year to help you reach your goals.

  • Undergraduate workshops:  We run a wide range of workshops for undergraduate students in study skills, writing and language, and research skills.
  • Talk to one of our Student Learning staff:  Come in and make an appointment to meet with one of our Student Learning staff to see how you can develop your skills from the first year.
  • Undergraduate resources:  We have a wide range of digital resources on study skills, writing and language, and research skills.
  • Postgraduate Students

The staff at SLDD can offer you advice at any stage of your studies. If you’re just starting life as a postgrad, talk to one of our staff, check out our online resources for research students, or browse our extensive range of workshops. For example, we have regular workshops on writing a literature review, thesis writing, publishing during candidature, and presenting your research at a conference.