A pioneering and distinguished deanship that works according to an integrated system in order to achieve the university’s goals and its educational philosophy, and seeks to build a creative university student personality in all its aspects.
Contribute to building a university student who has mental, physical and mental health armed with science and knowledge by providing all possible capabilities and providing a safe environment to encourage creativity and distinction in the social, artistic, cultural and sports aspects.
Enhancing students’ loyalty and belonging to his university, his country and his leadership by celebrating national and social events
• Unlimited openness to civil society institutions with a participatory approach in preparing programs aimed at students and implementing them within the strategic plan of the Deanship in all its departments and administrative entities.
• Strengthening the relationship between the university and the local community through visiting programs and the establishment of joint activities such as cultural, social, sports … etc.
• Helping students to face the problems and challenges that they face inside and outside the university according to a constructive educational approach through qualified and trained human cadres to achieve this.
• Refining the creative talents of students through holding specialized training courses, holding exhibitions and meetings that reflect these innovations, in addition to hosting various extracurricular activities on campus for students of all public universities.