
To become an entrepreneur with a prestigious local and international academic reputation, capable of creating a generation who supports, develops, and integrates a knowledge-based economy in its academic and applied programs meeting the current and future needs of society, and preparing current and future generations for a better life.


To create an educational environment in which the faculty members and students can contribute to develop a knowledge-based economy to prepare a generation capable of meeting the professional, academic and research needs of society, and to establish values ​​governing the survival of the current generation and successive generations and to improve the quality of their life.


  • To offer a variety of high-quality programs that are consistent with the educational mission of the university.
  • To encourage and supporting the effective use of technology in the academic and administrative process.
  • Supporting and enhancing the professional status of the faculty.
  • To develop curriculum in academic programs.
  • To implement and strengthening existing policies that would lead to improving communication between faculty members and the administration, increasing the contribution of faculty members to the decision-making process, and enhancing a sense of shared responsibility for the university administration.
  • To enhance communication with the local community and the region, and maintaining an electronic directory of faculty members to assist them in their research