Special Responsibilities Assigned for each Branch Proposed in the Organizational Structure of the Centre


Accreditation and Classification Branch

  1. Monitoring programs’ accreditation and classifications in the local and international institutions.
  2. Coordinating with the colleges with regard to the development, freezing or termination of academic programs and pursuing their own special accreditation.
  3. Cooperating with colleges in amending course syllabi in respect to the special accreditation criteria of programs issued by Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education.
  4. Coordinating with Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education to consider field visits.

Training and Academic Development Branch

  1. Coordinating and supervising training courses for faculty members.
  2. Supervising the evaluation of the academic staff performance and preparing the necessary reports.
  3. Identifying the training needs of the faculty members at the university.

Evaluation and Information Branch

  1. Building a database to document information, plans (strategic and action) and performance indicators.
  2. Supervising colleges and departments in terms of applying Quality Standards and maintaining their sustainability
  3. Analyzing data, and preparing reports and studies related to the preparation of plans and their results.
  4. Supervising the work of quality assurance representatives in colleges.
  5. Supervising the evaluation of university activities and linking them to performance indicators.
  6. Preparing reports on measuring the various activities and operations of the university.
  7. Preparing statistical and analytical studies, reports and research required by the requirements of missions.
  8. Providing statistical data that contribute to the decision-making process related to the university’s various activities.
  9. Establishing a culture of self-assessment and recognition of strengths, and points that need to be improved and developed.
  10. Designing questionnaires for evaluation and conducting studies

Jordan National Qualifications Framework Branch

  1. Follow-up to include the university within the National Qualifications framework.
  2. Follow up on the placement of programs in the National Qualifications Framework